
Session is simple key-value storage for each user/client.
This feature is provided by SessionMiddleware


For example, do the following in order to set the data into the session:

func (r *Root) GET(c *kocha.Context) error {
    c.Session.Set("name", "alice")

And load the data from session:

func (r *Root) GET(c *kocha.Context) error {
    name := c.Session.Get("name")

To delete the data from session, use the delete built-in function:

func (r *Root) GET(c *kocha.Context) error {
    c.Session.Set("name", "alice")
    name := c.Session.Get("name") // returns "alice".
    name = c.Session.Get("name") // returns "".

Also Session has Clear method that clear all data from the session.

func (r *Root) GET(c *kocha.Context) error {
    c.Session.Set("name", "alice")
    c.Session.Set("id", "1")
    l := len(c.Session) // returns 2
    l = len(c.Session) // returns 0

Actually, session is string map map[string]string.
Therefore, if you want to save non-string data, please serialize the data to string on their own.

Session store

Now currently, Kocha provides Cookie store only.
Cookie store saves session data to a client-side cookie with encrypted.
It's independent of the other system/server, but expiry date isn't fully controllable.
If you want to do it, please implements session store that use server-side storage such as memcached or database. See Implement the session store.


General session settings are AppConfig.Middlewares.SessionMiddleware in config/app.go.

// Session settings
Middlewares: []kocha.Middleware{
        Name: "appname_session",
        Store: &kocha.SessionCookieStore{
            // AUTO-GENERATED Random keys. DO NOT EDIT.
            SecretKey:  "......",
            SigningKey: "......",

        // Expiration of session cookie, in seconds, from now.
        // Persistent if -1, For not specify, set 0.
        CookieExpires: time.Duration(90) * time.Hour * 24,

        // Expiration of session data, in seconds, from now.
        // Perssitent if -1, For not specify, set 0.
        SessionExpires: time.Duration(90) * time.Hour * 24,
        HttpOnly:       false,

If you don't want to use the session, please remove kocha.SessionMiddleware from AppConfig.Middlewares in config/app.go.

Implement the session store

If you want other session store that not provided by Kocha, you can implement your own session store.

  1. Implements the SessionStore interface.
  2. (Optional) Implements the Validator interface to validate the session store.
  3. It specify to AppConfig.Store in config/app.go.

Also, see source of SessionCookieStore for examples.